When you give your body the chance to rid itself of the poisons that are the by-products produced when your body metabolizes alcohol and drugs, it is considered detoxification (AKA detox).  This is usually the initial step in an alcohol and drug treatment program at an addiction treatment center.  The ways your body gets rid of the toxins built up during drug or alcohol abuse can include sweat, urine, and breating.  So imbibing lots of fluid, especially those with electrolytes, is very important during the detoxification process.

The detox process should be done at an addiction treatment center where trained addiction specialists can keep track of the addict undergoing the detox.  Residential addiction treatment centers are known to be an economical and successfully proven way to pursuing drug and alcohol detox, and they are almost always much more comfortable than a hospital setting.  In spite of the fact it is not in a hospital setting, detox at a residential addiction treatment center usually includes prescription detox medications.  The residential addiction treatment center specialists will care for the clients in detox by periodically checking their vital signs and dispensing detox medications at the prescribed doses and intervals. 

The detox process needs to be followed up by further alcohol and drug treatment at the addiction treatment center if the client is expected to have the most success for long term sobriety.  One-on-one counseling with an addiction specialist and group therapy with other addicts are common practices at almost all residential addiction treatment centers.

It is critical that the addict's motivation for seeking help at a residential addiction treatment center is in the right place.  If the addict is only looking for aid as a result of outside pressure, then their chances of success at long-term sobriety will be minimized.  Experience has demonstrated that an addict must have sunk to such a low point in their substance abuse that their level of internal despair is motivating them to make the necessary changes in their life and seek the services of a residential addiction treatment center.

The timing of going to an addiction treatment center is critical as well.  If the addict can make it through the drug or alcohol detox at the addiction treatment center and then remember how miserable their life was when they were drinking or using, they will be motivated enough to pursue further treatment at the addiction treatment center and their chances of long-term sobriety is almost always increased.